Economic Policies for Social Justice

The FES aims to create awareness among key actors of the Yemeni society for the challenges lying ahead with regards to the development of policy alternatives in the socio-economic field.

The FES wishes to prompt and enrich discussion of Yemen's post-war economy under the aspect of social justice. Publications on socially-just economic policies written by experts approach economic topics relevant for reconstruction while addressing an audience in politics and economy. Since sustainable peace-building is only possible if Yemen's socio-economic development allows for equal opportunities and more just distribution of resources, particularly with regards to women, FES strives together with political decision makers, experts, academia and non-governmental organizations to develop new ideas for Yemen’s post-war socio-economic development.

Yemen’s economy is highly dependent on the income generated by oil revenues. However, society is becoming increasingly aware of alternative forms of energy generation. The FES fosters this trend by offering training to journalists in the areas of climate and energy journalism and thus contributes medium- to long-term to a more informed discourse in society and politics and enhances the reform debate.

Further information

Economic Policies for Social Justice

Economic Policies for Social Justice

Social Justice with its political and economic relevance are at the core of politics in the Arab world today. The uprisings of 2010/11, while not bringing about lasting political change to the region, have nonetheless exposed the ultimate need for political and especially economic reforms. More

Climate and Energy

Climate and Energy

Climate justice, social consequences of Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, as well as a sustainable and social urban future in the MENA region are the core of the “Regional Climate and Energy” Project. More