Welcome to FES Yemen

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s (FES) Yemen Office is one of more than 100 offices and projects worldwide affiliated to the Foundation’s division for international development cooperation. Officially established in 1999 in the old city of Sana'a, it works in close contact with nongovernmental organizations, academic research institutions and government institutions on different topics regarding the democratization process in Yemen, peace and security and socio-economic policies.

Peace and Security

Peace and Security

The FES supports the democratization and the political development process of the Yemeni society with the aim to keep the character and the identity of the country alive. More

Economic Policies for Social Justice

Economic Policies for Social Justice

The FES aims to create awareness among key actors of the Yemeni society for the challenges lying ahead with regards to the development of policy alternatives in the socio-economic field. More

Strengthening Democratic Transformation

Strengthening Democratic Transformation

With different instruments the FES strives to enable women and youth to become equal partners in the social, economic, cultural and political life of the country. More

Jemen Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Jemen Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2024

Download publication

[Influence in the public policy]

Shaif Mohammed Ismail, Labib

[Influence in the public policy]

[Guide for pioneers (youths, researchers) in public policy]
Sana'a, 2023

Download publication (3,3 MB PDF-File)

Zooming in on the Yemen war

Bales, Marius; Heinze, Marie-Christine; Mutschler, Max

Zooming in on the Yemen war

The future of warfare and human rights in the Middle East
Bonn, 2023

Download publication (450 KB, PDF-File)

The consequences of climate change in Hadramout

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"Youth political participation"

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Trolls of the state

Long before Elon Musk took over Twitter for an unbeatable handout of $44 billion only to rename it to X, hate speech had cast an ominous shadow on the Persian-language social media space. With the futuristic magnet’s…



Let Afghan women lead

This year’s International Women’s Day is marked by a sense of foreboding, even despair. Progress on women’s rights and representation is stalling: the number of women in parliaments grew last year at the lowest rate in a…



Greenland faces a crucial decision

Before Donald Trump caused new transatlantic storm clouds to gather, Copenhagen had already experienced a perfect storm in January. Danish diplomats were shocked and bewildered by what seemed like an unforeseeable natural…


Meet the team

Mahmoud Qaiyah

Mahmoud Qaiyah

Senior Program Manager


Mohammed Al-Omari

Mohammed Al-Omari

Finance & Admin Manager


Constantin Grund

Constantin Grund

Resident Representative


Nadia Rennette

Nadia Rennette

Desk Officer Berlin


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